As a registered charity, UTHINK attracts public and private funding.
Public funding comes by way of grants, awards and public sector partnerships.
Private funding comes in the form of donations, which we need in order to build upon our past successes. We also benefit from the fact that private donations can be gift aided, because we are a charitable organisation.
Another source of vital income is the small fee we charge for places on our courses. Our commitment to inclusion means that we endeavour to keep our fees as low as possible, but to do that we need donations or other forms of funding in order to subsidise the cost of running our programmes.
Also, we sell exceptional works of urban art created by up and coming artists who have participated in our courses. This enables these artists to earn royalties from something they created while having a lot of fun and learning new skills. Often, it might be the first time they have ever earned any of their own money. UTHINK also benefits from this income, which, because we are a charity, gets reinvested into our work, assisting us in reaching out to yet more young and disadvantaged people.
We invite anyone who is interested in making a donation or purchasing a piece of art through UTHINK to
contact us
Or you can follow the link below to our Just Giving....